LATAnjali - 263

ghar yahaa.N basaane aa_e the
(Gajre, 1948)

Posted by:  Dhananjay Naniwadekar
Contributed by: Dhananjay Naniwadekar

11 Jan 2003

That GAJRE should be missing from the ISB is a big surprise. It contains two nice songs by Suraiya, y'know.And we know how Suraiya fans behave. They keep talking obsessively about her as if no other singer ever existed.They run amok posting every song sung by her. But none from Gajre so far. Another surprise behind exclusion ofGAJRE from the ISB is that the film had four great songs
by Lata. Now, now, HER fans have always striven hard to bring her gems before an ungrateful public. Thanks to Anil Hingorani (who I believe initiated the LATAnjali series), Neha Desai, Hrishi Dixit, Srinivas Ganti and other Lata bhakts, Lata's output has been nicely covered for ISB. Somehow, GAJRE escaped their attention. It is time to correct the omission. And with interest. I will
be posting lyrics of 'ghar yahaaN basaane' and 'baras baras badalii' this month.

Each song by Lata in the film is a HUGE masterpiece. At the very least, her four solos make Gajre Yasmin's equal.

% ITRANS Song #
\stitle{ghar yahaa.N basaane aa_e the}%
\starring{Suraiya, Motilal, Geeta Nizami}%
\singer{Lata Mangeshkar}%
\music{Anil Biswas}%
\lyrics{Gopal Singh Nepali}%
% Audio On:
% Contributor: dhananjay naniwadekar
% Date : 11 Jan 2003
% Series: LATAnjali.
% Comments: Film - 'gajare'
% generated using giitaayan

ghar yahaa.N basaane aa_e the
ham ghar hii chho.D chale
apanaa thaa jinhe.n samajhaa hamane
wo bhii dil to.D chale

sochaa thaa sajan aa_e.Nge aa_e.Nge bahaare laa_e.Nge
ham ek chaman ke do pa.nchhii ban jaa_e.Nge
sa.ndhyaa kii belaa dwaar pe aa kar wo mu.Nh mo.D chale

jiivan me.n kabhii ik pyaar kaa diipak jalataa thaa
milane ke li_e dil ghul\-ghul ke machalataa thaa
jab saath pata.ngaa chho.D diyaa to diyaa akel jale
