LATAnjali - 284
(Raja Harishchandra, 1952) |
Posted by:
Hrishi Dixit
Contributed by:
Hrishi Dixit
Mar 1, 2003
A wonderfully ebullient Lata-Rafi duet, carrying all known signatures of Husnlal-Bhagatram. I love the way each antaraa sums up, with the "<abc> <xyz> rahe.n saath re". HFGK mentions four lyricists for this movie, but fails to allocate individual songs to lyricists. The following are mentioned: Bharat Vyas, Ramesh Gupta, Gulshan Jalalabadi, Qamar Jalalabadi. Not sure who gets credit for this particular one. The other lovely tune from this movie is Lata's "gorii gorii chaa.Ndanii aur puunam kii raat re" which has visited both LATAnjali and ATMJH in the past.
% ITRANS Song # % \startsong \stitle{tuu chandaa mai.n chaa.NDanii}% \film{Raja Harishchandra}% \starring{Sumitra Devi, Prem Adeeb}% \singer{Lata, Rafi}% \music{Husnlal-Bhagatram}% \lyrics{BHarat Vyas?}% % % Contributor: Hrishi Dixit % Transliterator: Hrishi Dixit % Date: Mar 1 2003 % Credits: U V Ravindra % Editor: % Comments: LATAnjali series % \printtitle #indian % la: tuu cha.ndaa mai.n chaa.Ndanii ho, terii merii priit hai \-3 ra: tuu jiivan kii raaginii ho, terii merii priit hai \-3 la: aaj hamaaraa piyaa milan madhur hai ek hai taaraa ek chandar hai taaraa chandar rahe.n saath re ho, terii merii priit hai \-3 ra: bha.Nvare kalii kii tarah sang sang rahanaa man kii kathaa sajanii naino.n se kahanaa bha.Nvaraa kalii rahe.n saath re ho, terii merii priit hai \-3 la: sapano.n kii sej par tumako sulaauu.ngii charano.n pe tere raajaa a.Nkhiyaa.N bichhaauu.ngii a.Nkhiyaa.N charan rahe.n saath re ho, terii merii priit hai \-3 la: tuu cha.ndaa mai.n chaa.Ndanii la,ra: ho, terii merii priit hai \-3 % #endindian \endsong |